Friday, October 13, 2006

Freewrite #2

"Winning isn’t everything…it’s the only thing.”
Hmph, what bollux. Winning is very important to me for I am a very competitive person. However I know that winning isn't the only thing. What happens when you beat your friends? What happens if you beat somebody at what they worked their whole life at? What happens when you, by winning crush someones dreams? Can any one person tell me that a victory, no matter what it's in, has never been hollow? To believe a quote so shallow is to cast aside something inside of you. What was it's name, oh yes COMPASSION!!! Sinking so low as to undermine everything that you think is right just for the sake of winning! Being competitive is different. Competitiveness is the drive to succeed, while this sort of drive is for domination, and to be quite honest domination is looked at, by society, as a negative term.


Blogger T Sale said...

You give somne good counerexamples to he quote. I believe he word you're looking for is bollocks.

6:45 PM  

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